Welsh Ponies


A good weekend at foal shows for Cadlanvalley foals

Well done to Heather Seaman and Cadlanvalley Prince Louis by Cadlanvalley Buzby with his win at The British National Foal of The Year

Also that week was the ROYAL WELSH WINTER FAIR we were pleased in massive strong classes that three of Cadlanvalley foals were in the final 6 th namely


Cadlanvalley Masterclass by Cadlanvalley Buzby owned by Janpete Stud was 3 rd in the Colt foal class


Cadlanvalley Finesse by Cadlanvalley Buzby owned by Mr and Mrs Peter Thomas of Australia and produced by Ceri Powell was 2nd in a huge strong filly class.

Cadlanvalley Serenade by Laithehill Jazz owned by ourselves was 6th on her first outing


BSPS HERITAGE CHAMPS they qualify for Olympia

BSPS Heritage Champs was a tremendous show for Libby and Buzby firstly winning the Open Welsh B class and then Champion and then later on the same day he won his Olympia class and Qualified for Olympia so off to see Santa they go

HOYS 2018

HOYS 2018 certainly had its ups and downs but still an acheivment to get there and we all enjoyed. Buzby and Libby gave a tremendous foot perfect show to gain one of the top ride marks but unfortunatly he received a low conformation mark which he has never received before from the conformation judge which resulted in him being placed 6th . Made us feel better knowing some of the biggest winning ponies in the country also had low conformation marks but hey ho that is showing. We were so proud as a family as they both really did a sterling job. It was great to see the 3 Cadlanvalley ponies qualified in the same class all being placed in the final 8 with Cadlanvalley Bentley 8th Cadlanvalley Buzby 6th and Cadlanvalley Sandpiper 3rd.


Also very proud to see Buzby,s picture on the Wall of Fame at HOYS of when he was Champion here in 2016

And then again on the HOYS Promotional stand with Libby standing by it proud breeder moment

Libby then had another ride on Debbie and Ron Thomas 133 SHP Warleigh Blushing Groom who took the title of Binks Family 133 SHP of The Year


HOYS Welsh Breeder of the year 2018

We were really pleased to receive a letter from HOYS to say we had won the prestigious award for the second year running for the Horse of The Year Show Welsh Section B Breeder of the Year .We would like to thank everyone who made this possible for their dedication and superb production of ponies we bred to enable us to win this award.

British Elite Show

Congratulations to Cadlanvalley Bentley for becoming tthe Supreme Overall In Hand Champion at the recent British Elite Show

BSPS Summer Champs

Buzby and Libby continued their winning ways at BSPS Summer Championship Show. They were First and Champion WOW FACTOR ,they then went on to win their young rider section and went CHAMPION YOUNG RIDER ,they were also 1st in the OLYMPIA A and B class

WPCS Social Media Complaint

We were pleased to hear that our complaint about a member living in the North of England was upheld and we won our case , as the said member was in breach of the WPCS Social Media Policy we felt the comments made were inappropriate and the WPCS upheld this decision.


We were pleased to hear that Cadlanvalley Popcorn was Champion at Equifest gaining her Bronze Medal. She is on lease to Phylburns stud .Thank you so much to Gareth Roberts for producing her so well she looks fantastic. Youngstock Champion and Reserve to Popcorn was the two year old filly Cadlanvalley Candice owned by Jane Grant and shown by Abi Staff

 Cadlanvalley Popcorn

Cadlanvalley Candice

Nevern WPCS Bronze Medal Show

We dont show much in hand so it was great to take our yearling filly Cadlanvalley Miss Precious for an outing, and pleased that she won the yearling class then took Overall B Champion gaining her WPCS Bronze Medal.  As Hayley was working we asked Katie Parry to show her and she done a superb job as allways.


Sire Cadlanvalley Buzby Dam Waxwing Penny PreciousPhoto by Anthony Reynolds


Another good day for Libby and Buzby, he firstly went Champion BSPS Heritage Olympia Semi Final, gaining his Semi Final Ticket. He then took Overall Supreme of Show in tremendous company of top class Show Ponies , Show Hunter Ponies , and Working Hunter Ponies beating some fantastic top class ponies.,winning the most gorgeous Sash ever.

Cadlanvalley Buzby Supreme Overall of Show


Also a good day for Libby riding Ron and Debbie Thomas,s  two ponies,the 12.2 Show Pony Smalland Play Along winning the 12.2 Show Pony class and gaining her HOYS Ticket, and winning and Reserve Champion on the 13 hands SHP Warleigh Blushing Groom.