Welsh Ponies



Well done to Shelley Dobbs and CADLANVALLEY GOLDRUSH winning a strong Welsh B colt foal class and Reserve Champion foal at the Welsh National Foal Show, shown on this occasion by Hayley .The first foal shown by Birkenbrook Masquerade Dam Cadlanvalley Jorgie Girl

Horse of The Year Show 2019 Cadlanvalley ponies do well

An excellent show for Cadlanvalley ponies with two full brothers taking the top two spot was Nicole Weymans  Cadlanvalley Bentley 1st and therefore taking the title of Baileys Horse Feeds Welsh B of the year and Cadlanvalley Buzby 2nd ridden by Libby


There was also a win in the M&M Junior Small Breeds Championship of the Year for Cadlanvalley Allegro owned by Sarah Drake and ridden by her daughter Annabelle







Both Cadlanvalley Candice and Cadlanvalley Valegro Champions at Equifest   Valegro Champion Ridden and Candice Champion Welsh B winning her Bronze Medal

Both sired by the late Russetwood Elation





What a show for Libby and the three ponies she competed on there ,  CADLANVALLEY BUZBY who was 2nd RESERVE BEST of the BEST SUPREME then went on to be OVERALL SUPREME HERITAGE CHAMPION OF THE SHOW


Her third ride was Ron & Debbie Thomas WARLEIGH FANTASTIC LIGHTS who won the HOYS 13 hand SHP class then went HOYS SHP CHAMPION

They bought home in total 6 Sashes including  one Flower Sash and some very prestigious trophies

Welsh National Champs & BSPS Wales

Two excellent days started with the Welsh National Championship show at Malvern CADLANVALLEY BUZBY contested his BRYNSEION Final yet again and won it for the third time in succession, well done him and Libby

Pictured here with the sponser Mrs Ceri Fell       Pic by Lucy

In the afternoon Libby contested a very strong and massive class of HOYS Junior Qualifying small breeds class with CADLANVALLEY MIKADO she won and was HOYS JUNIOR CHAMPION so an excellent day for our home bred ponies. Libby also won and Qualified for HOYS the Welsh A mare Nantfforchog Blue Moondust for Debbie Thomas

The following day was BSPS Wales where only CADLANVALEY BUZBY  competed in the Olympia Direct that means you first have to win the Ridden Welsh A&B Class which he did then he went on to win the Olympia Championship over all other breeds giving him his direct ticket to Olympia at Xmas time .We were so pleased for Libby and Buzby as they work so hard. After that Buzby was MEMBERS SUPREME and then took SUPREME OF SHOW for the second year running

Pictured here with Supreme Judge Mr Anthony Williams and the gorgeous crystal BSPS Supreme cup which Libby has won four times over the years.

Buzby semen for Australia and New Zealand

We have had a lot of interest in semen for Australia and New Zealand and there will be a shipment leaving A1 Stallion Services at Twemlows in September ,if you are not already on our list and are interested please get in touch


Monday started of well when the Champion Palomino in hand was Cadlanvalley  Bentley then Libby was Ridden Palomino Champion on Cadlanvalley Mikado. She then went into another ring and was Champion SHP with Debbie and Ron Thomas  Warleigh Blushing Groom

On to the Wednesday in hand and we saw Cadlanvalley Masterclass win a good yearling Welsh B colt class, owned by the Janpete stud he looked fantastic


Photo by Fabien Palerin

In second place to him was our own Waxwing Masterplan purchased as a foal from Waxwing stud as an outcross for our mares, if youre going to get beaten at the Royal Welsh great to be beaten by one you’ve bred

WAXWING MASTER PLANPhoto by Vivien Hesen

Photo by Ruth Montgomery Law

Wednesday afternoon saw Buzby content the new Gold Medal class ending up Reserve Champion missing the Gold Medal by one mark from the ride judge

The last class was the HOYS B Ridden class on the Thursday although he has previously Qualified for HOYS it was disappointing being drawn in top position to see him totally unplaced after doing a foot perfect show with Libby .It transpired after the Championship when the judges checked the mark sheet the ride judge awarded a mark of 48 but the steward recorded a mark of 38 which resulted in a non placing. Upsetting for all concerned especially Libby when you know youre pony had won at the Royal Welsh but didn’t. As the Supreme Championship was on at the same time she could have contested that on the Champion SHP but decided to ride Buzby so was dealt a double blow.